Tokenlon 启动社区 Bounty 计划,初始奖金总额 1,000,000 美元 (Tokenlon Launches $1,000,000 Bounty)

我们很高兴的与大家报告,Tokenlon 将基于社区财库正式开启用于 Tokenlon 生态建设赏金计划,这一经济激励奖励计划旨在促进 Tokenlon 社区的创新和发展,以激励社区力量参与共创 Tokenlon 生态建设。

该计划的目标是吸引除 Tokenlon 核心团队外的社区成员来研究和构建围绕 Tokenlon 生态系统发展,集合社区力量来支持 Tokenlon 的发展,让更多的人员以更透明的方式参与进来,逐步达到共同治理 Tokenlon 的目标。

Bounty 介绍

该 Bounty 计划将用于激励社区成员,首批首先为 Tokenlon 基础数据建设项目提供资金。由核心开发团队编制一份任务清单,列出我们当前希望看到社区参与建设的项目。2022 年第三季度以后,Bounty 计划将会扩大接受范围,包括:

  • Tokenlon 协议的可组合性
  • LON 应用场景拓展
  • 社区建设、市场推广
  • 生态发展研究

Bounty 计划实施


Bounty 资金来自社区财库,将由 Tokenlon 核心团队以 TIP 提案的方式,提交社区治理 ,交由社区投票审批通过。


  1. 任务征集
  • Tokenlon 核心团队基于社区建议和协议发展需要,罗列相关任务清单
  1. 任务发布:
  • 核心团队将在 Tokenlon 官网&治理论坛开设 Bounty 板块,所有与 Tokenlon Bounty 相关的事情都将在论坛公开交流讨论。首先将由核心团队在 Tokenlon 治理论坛「Bounty 板块」发布任务清单,任何人都可以在 Tokenlon 治理论坛提交任务提案,将由 Tokenlon 核心人员审核后,每项任务由一人领取并进行完成。
  1. 任务认领:
  • 一旦 Bounty 任务由社区成员领取后,核心团队将指派一名项目经理负责该项目。这位项目经理将是项目和核心团队的联络人,负责监督项目直至完成,并定期为核心团队和社区提供项目的评审与更新。

Bounty 发放时间表

将在任务完成后由核心团队审核后,以 TIP 提案的形式交由社区投票通过后,统一一次性发放。


我们要求所有的 Bounty 任务项目:

  • 开发项目需要以开源的方式在 GitHub 上进行(我们可以实时观察进度,给予协助)
  • 任何私有数据需要与核心团队进行共享。
  • 遵守开源 MIT 协议

为了使社区人员更友好的参与到 Bounty 任务中,并创建更健康的社区氛围,我们希望 Tokenlon Bounty 项目的所有成员,具备良好的职业准则,同时尊重 Tokenlon 基本的核心原则和价值观。


最后,我们希望与社区成员一起创建更加去中心化 Tokenlon 生态。

Tokenlon’s goal from day one has been to build an open protocol where users can swap tokens in a decentralized manner. This protocol is built together with the community, for the community.

To achieve this, we are happy to announce our $1,000,000 bounty program launch! The bounty program will help us attract talented tech, marketing and product talents to realize the vision of building a world-class Decentralized Exchange

What Does The Bounty Entail?

The first batch of bounty tasks will be proposed by the Tokenlon team. These tasks will be related to ensuring Tokenlon’s data are correct across all platforms.

Moving forward, other tasks will include

  • Improvements to the Tokenlon protocol
  • Increasing LON utility
  • Setting up Tokenlon community in local markets and promoting Tokenlon

What is the expected timeline for the Bounty program?

Source of funds for the bounty program

The funds will come from the LON treasury. Proposals from the team and community will be put up for voting as Tokenlon Improvement Proposals (TIPs)

Proposals that are voted in favour by the community will be executed.


Collate Bounty Tasks

  • Based on feedback from the community, we will collate and publish bounty tasks in the beginning

Publish tasks on governance forum

  • Tasks will be published on the governance forum, with each task to be completed by one community member. If you have any suggestions for tasks, please post them on the governance forum. The Tokenlon team will assess it and if deemed suitable the task will be published

Claim bounty tasks

  • After tasks have been claimed, a project manager will keep track of the progress and ensure it’s completion. The project manager will be from the Tokenlon team

I have completed my tasks. What can I expect?

After the Tokenlon team has deemed the task to be completed, we will publish a TIP for the community to vote on reward distribution for the complete task

Requirements for all bounty tasks

  • Tech tasks to publish and update on GitHub for the team to keep track of your progress and provide any assistance
  • To share with the Tokenlon team any data related Tokenlon
  • Comply with MIT standards

We want positive vibes in the community and would like all participants to be respectful and professional during the entire process.

Any tasks that do not meet the standards set initially will be deemed incomplete. In this scenario, other community members have the right to claim the task.

Let’s build Tokenlon into the best decentralized protocol together!