Welcome to the Tokenlon Community Forum 欢迎来到 Tokenlon 社区论坛

Welcome to the Tokenlon Community Forum!

This forum is currently managed by Tokenlon core team. Any community member can create and comment on topics relevant to Tokenlon here. For now, we support both English and Chinese discussions, so all the posts made by the Tokenlon core team will be bilingual in these two languages. Please read the forum rules before you start. We appreciate your engagement in advance :heart:

欢迎来到 Tokenlon 社区论坛!

该论坛目前由 Tokenlon 核心团队负责运维。任何社区成员都可以在这里创建与 Tokenlon 相关的话题或参与讨论。目前我们支持英文和中文讨论,核心团队的话题也会以双语发起。请在开始之前先阅读我们的论坛规则。非常感谢你的参与 :heart: