Bounty 认领常见问题(Bounty Frequently Asked Questions)

1 . 赏金任务是什么?

赏金任务是【Tokenlon Bounty计划】中的带有经济激励的有偿任务。赏金任务暂时由核心团队创建,任何人都可以参与领取任务,完成任务并通过核心团队验收后,获取相应的赏金报酬。

2 . 可以在哪里查看赏金任务?

Tokenlon 治理论坛「Bounty 专题页」,所有有关 Bounty 的事情都将发布在 Tokenlon 治理论坛中 「Bounty 专题页」板块。

3 . 如何领取赏金任务?


4 . 如何完成赏金任务?


5 . 如何获得赏金奖励?

当任务完成后,核心团队会对任务进行合格合格验收,并以 TIP 提案的形式交由社区投票通过后,将并以 TIP 提案的形式交由社区投票通过后,将按照既定的赏金奖励分配方案进行奖金发放。

6 . 赏金任务的验收标准是?

  • 按任务类型进行不同的验收
    • 开发类型:给到任务产出结果,如果是 dapp 就需要给到 dapp 的链接,如果是 SDK 或者其他代码工具,需要给到编译并发布好的包;给出 Use Case,可以使用 Slides 或者屏幕录制的方式,简单展示一下对应任务要求实现的演示效果
    • 翻译类型:校对核验通过,达到验收标准
    • 其他类型:待后续任务更新后制定
  • 按时交付任务

7 . 赏金奖励如何分配?


8 . 赏金奖励如何发放?

任务验收合格,核心团队以 TIP 提案的形式交由社区投票通过后,核心团队以 TIP 提案的形式交由社区投票通过后,将在 3-5 个工作日一次性将奖金打款到任务领取人(赏金猎人)提供的相应钱包。

1 . What are bounty tasks?

Bounty tasks are tasks that help improve Tokenlon and whose owners will be rewarded upon completion of the tasks. At the start, these tasks will be created by the Tokenlon team and its completion status is assessed by the team as well

2 . Where can I check the bounty tasks?

All bounty tasks and related discussions can be found on Tokenlon’s governance forum

3 . How can I claim a bounty task?

If you are interested in a particular task and want to work on it, please submit a simple proposal for how you will go about executing the task. Within 3 days all proposals for this task will be assessed and the proposal deemed most suitable will be selected. This individual will be the only one working on the task.

4 . What do I do after claiming a bounty task?

After your proposal has been selected, a project manager will be assigned to your project. He/She will work with you to ensure the completion of the project

5 . How do I receive my bounty reward?

After you have completed the task, the Tokenlon team will assess your work. If deemed complete and of an acceptable standard, we will publish a TIP to ask the community to vote on distributing the bounty reward to you.

6 . What is the standard for each task?

  • We have different criteria for different types of rewards
    • Tech related: We require a finished product with a use case. For example, if the task is to create a Dapp we require the link to the end product. For any tools that require coding to build, we will need access to the code base
    • Translation related: Meet the accuracy requirements
  • Timeliness of completing tasks within the stipulated time

7 . How are the rewards allocated for each task?

Each task will have different reward amounts and different numbers of recipients. You will find these details in each task description

8 . How are bounty rewards distributed?

After the tasks have been assessed to be completed and of standard, the team will publish a TIP. If the community votes for the rewards to be distributed for a particular task, the rewards will be transferred to your wallet within 3-5 working days