TIP8 -Lower LON balance requirements for trading fee discounts 交易手续费率 LON 持仓要求下调(已结束)


提案 8: TIP8 - 交易手续费率 LON 持仓要求下调


Tokenlon 协议目前采用以下费率结构,使 LON 持有者能够享受更为优惠的标准费率。

手续费率 LON 持有量
0.30% <20
0.29% <20
0.30% <20
0.29% ≥ 20
0.28% ≥ 50
0.26% ≥ 150
0.24% ≥ 500
0.22% ≥ 1,500
0.20% ≥ 5,000
0.18% ≥ 10,000
0.15% ≥ 30,000
0.10% ≥ 100,000

核心团队认为,适度下调 LON 持仓要求能够让 LON 的价值更易于体现,降低用户在 Tokenlon 享受交易手续费优惠的门槛。从而吸引更多用户在 Tokenlon 进行交易,获得优于其他交易平台的报价,从而进一步提升 Tokenlon 的交易量和市场占有率。


由社区投票决定交易手续费率 LON 持仓要求下调


根据提案投票结果实施激励,生效时间为 2021.3.4 12:00 PM UTC+8


  • 持有 LON 大于 0 的地址能够参与本次治理投票
  • 参与 LON 流动性挖矿的地址能够参与本次治理投票(包含未领取 LON 奖励)
  • 持有 LON LP 代币大于 0 的地址能够参与本次治理投票
  • LON 持有量快照区块高度:11950550
  • 治理投票开启时间:2021.3.1 14:00 UTC+8
  • 治理投票结束时间:2021.3.3 14:00 UTC+8



Proposal 8: TIP8 - Lower LON balance requirements for trading fee discounts


Tokenlon adopts a fee structure below to allow discounted standard trading fees for LON holders.

Trading Fees LON Balance
0.30% <20
0.29% ≥ 20
0.28% ≥ 50
0.26% ≥ 150
0.24% ≥ 500
0.22% ≥ 1,500
0.20% ≥ 5,000
0.18% ≥ 10,000
0.15% ≥ 30,000
0.10% ≥ 100,000

The core team believes lowering the LON balance required would make it easier for users to take advantage of the policy. It will bring trading fees discounts to a wider group of users, helping them receive quotes better than those provided by other trading platforms. It should increase Tokenlon’s trading volume by attracting more trading activities to Tokenlon.


Let the community decide on the LON balance required in the trading fees structure

Proposed Action Items

Make changes based on the voting results of the proposal, and take effect at 2021.3.4 4:00 UTC

Voting Rules

  • Addresses with more than 0 LON can vote
  • Addresses participating liquidity mining phase II can vote (including unclaimed LON reward)
  • Addresses with LON LP token can vote
  • LON balance snapshot block: 11950550
  • Voting start time: 2021.3.1 6:00 UTC
  • Voting end time: 2021.3.3 6:00 UTC

Voting Options

Voting Page: https://snapshot.page/#/tokenlon/proposal/QmXQUQgWJNzKZjgSYtyRmYFJ4rZNRqaM87ij6KTnyaqMKp