- 目前 LON 每次回购会 1:1 触发铸币,用于奖励交易挖矿的用户、做市商等各参与方
- 回购的代币按 4:6 的分配比例,进财库和用于 LON staking reward
- 现状:
- 由于 Tokenlon 所在的以太坊一层网络交易成本高,导致回购点击不积极,回购数量少会导致交易挖矿和 LON 质押挖矿的奖励变少
- 核心团队会不定期对成功发起 LON 回购的社区用户进行矿工费补贴
- 希望由社区治理,讨论决定后续的 LON 回购机制如何优化
- 回购周期由现在 1 天调整为 3 天
- 提升单次回购额,并维持滑价在 3 % 以下
- 社区用户点击回购有补贴,由社区财库报销
0 voters
The proposed change to the buyback mechanism
Background Information
- Tokenlon’s network fees are bought back and distributed to the treasury and staking pool. Furthermore, for every LON bought back, one LON will be minted and distributed to the trade mining reward pool
- Any community member can trigger a buyback and distribute the rewards to the treasury, staking pool and trade mining reward pool
- However, due to high gas fees on the Ethereum network, much fewer users have triggered a buyback
- This has led to the three pools receiving fewer rewards in the short term
Our Proposal
These are a few options we would like to propose to our users
- Change buyback period from daily to every 3 days
- Trigger buyback only for a higher amount, to keep slippage below 3%
- Reimburse gas fees for community members who trigger buyback, funds to come from the treasury
- Cover user costs, reimburse the end of every trade mining phase